Logs for the Monero Research Lab Meeting Held on 2019-09-16

Postato da: el00ruobuob / sarang


<sarang> OK, it's time for the meeting!
<sarang> Agenda: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/390
<sarang> Logs posted there afterward
<sarang> GREETINGS
<mikerah> Hello
<sarang> I'll wait a couple of minutes in case anyone else shows up
<kinghat> o/
<kinghat> *the regular crowd shuffles in*
<el00ruobuob> Hi
<sarang> Our pal suraeNoether said he may not be available for today's meeting
<sarang> But I can share some of the things I've been working on for our ROUNDTABLE
<sarang> The ever-clever RandomRun posted an idea for a signature scheme earlier: https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/56
<sarang> Some updates have been made for efficiency, and I worked up proof-of-concept code: https://github.com/SarangNoether/skunkworks/tree/lrs/lrs
<sarang> And a timing/space analysis: https://github.com/SarangNoether/skunkworks/blob/sublinear/triptych.md
<sarang> (I gave it the name Triptych as a placeholder, so we have a name to use for clarity)
<sarang> It actually beats Lelantus in terms of 2-2 transaction size
<sarang> But verification is less efficient
<sarang> Also note that security hasn't been proven yet, but it uses a modification by Bootle et al. to a 1-of-N proof by Groth
<sarang> and that 1-of-N has good proofs
<sarang> Aside from that, I've been working with the Lelantus authors on some ideas to fix its self-spend tracing problem
<sarang> And that's coming together nicely
<sarang> The CLSAG paper will be submitted to Financial Cryptography this week
<sarang> And my CCS funding request for next quarter has been opened: https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/sarang-2019-q4.html
<sarang> On a more whimsical note, a preprint was just posted that does some analysis on a card-based cipher originally designed by Bruce Schneier for a book: https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.06300
<sarang> It's a neat example of a cipher that appears to resist a good deal of modern cryptanalysis, but can be done using paper, pen, and a deck of playing cards!
<mikerah> ElsieFour also has such properties except without the playing cards.
<sarang> Ah, and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the trustless recursive SNARK paper, Halo, that was recently posted by the Zcash folks
<sarang> mikerah: I wasn't familiar with that!
<sarang> Has it undergone much analysis?
<mikerah> Here's the preprint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/339.pdf
<sarang> neat
<mikerah> I'm not sure if it has gone through much analysis as it's a relatively new construction.
<mikerah> But you can use paper and pen!
<sarang> Halo has some clever ideas in it, but it's worth noting (as usual) that preprints don't undergo peer review, and that Halo currently lacks a soundness proof
<sarang> It will be fun to see the new research that comes from its ideas
<sarang> Any particular questions on the items that I mentioned?
<mikerah> How would the ideas from lelantus get implemented in monero?
<sarang> Its transaction model could, hypothetically, be implemented directly
<sarang> Using a particular kind of migration transaction to transition older outputs
<sarang> It would result initially in a smaller anonymity set
<sarang> Currently Lelantus has a tracing issue that's a deal-breaker IMO
<sarang> but very recent ideas mean that may not be a problem
<mikerah> Would there be traceability problems from the current monero blockchain to this hypothetical lelantus+monero blockchain?
<sarang> How so?
<mikerah> As in, would it be possible to trace transactions between hard forked blockchains
<sarang> In such an implementation, old-style transactions would not be allowed
<sarang> Old outputs would undergo a signer-ambiguous transaction to generate a new output commitment that is Lelantus-compatible
<doxxy> sarang: greets
<sarang> So a migration is trivially distinguishable, but retains the same kind of signer ambiguity that exists now
<sarang> hi
<sarang> To be clear, there are no plans to implement this AFAIK
<mikerah> I see. I guess more work would need to be done on this front.
<sarang> It's all just research
<sarang> Anyway, that's what I've been working on
<sarang> Does anyone else wish to share interesting research?
<sarang> OK!
<sarang> Well, in that case my ACTION ITEMS are administrative stuff for FC submission, ongoing analysis of Lelantus modifications and proofs, and returning to some existing recent proving systems
<sarang> Before we adjourn, is there anything else to discuss?
<gingeropolous> i don't have any research im working on, but im enjoying banging my head regarding the randomx branch prediction problem
<sarang> Go on!
<gingeropolous> so, big chunk of *****U silicon dedicated to branch prediction. Turns out a lot of the methods use neural networks kinda thing (called perceptron at one point).
<gingeropolous> however, problem is that randomx is random - its random whether a branch will be taken
<gingeropolous> and when somethings random, hard for machine-learning / pattern recognition to get any gains
<sarang> Makes sense
<gingeropolous> however, if you try and seed random into the program (such that a branch predictor could find some emergent pattern), this information could be harvested by an ASIC or some other mitigation
<gingeropolous> so, my head sorta got stuck at that point… and if it'd be possible to somehow hide the emergent pattern… and then all the thought threads frayed
<sarang> So, using information from existing *****U architectures in order to develop better specialized hardware?
<sarang> Or information from any kind of well-designed predictor, I suppose
<gingeropolous> well the general randomx problem is to make a PoW that leverages stuff in *****Us.
<gingeropolous> and branch prediction is underleveraged due to the problem i just described
<sarang> Ah, ok
<sarang> I don't know enough about *****U branch prediction to fully appreciate this, but it sounds interesting nonetheless
<sarang> Anything else of interest to share before the meeting ends?
<sarang> All righty then
<sarang> Thanks to everyone for being here; we are now adjourned!
<sarang> Logs will be posted shortly

Post tags : Dev Diaries, Cryptography, Monero Research Lab